Shop now open

Items in the shop are only available to plot holders and garden members*.

In stock at the moment:

  • Potatoes, many varieties
  • Elephant garlic
  • A small range of garden tools
  • Spring planting tools
  • Composts, farm yard manure and fertilisers
  • Seeds
  • Pots and trays

* If you wish to become a garden member, please visit the office: single membership, £2.10; joint membership, £3.10.

Free tea and coffee are available in the shop.

Volunteers Days 2022

The next volunteers day is Saturday, 26 February from 10.00 am until 1.00 pm.

Volunteers days take place on the last Saturday of every month and run from 10.00 am until 1.00 pm. Volunteers undertake different tasks that need doing around the site. You do not need to be a plot holder to volunteer. Everyone is welcome.

For 2022 the dates are:

26 February
26 March
30 April
28 May
25 June
30 July
27 August
24 September
29 October
26 November

Categorised as members

By-Laws now available on the website

You can now view the Allotment Society By-Laws in full on this page in the Members section of the website. A pdf version of the By-Laws is also available there for downloading or printing.

Categorised as members

Committee meetings, autumn 2021

These dates were agreed at the Committee meeting held on 14 August. Meetings start at 2.00 pm.

  • 11 September
  • 9 October
  • 13 November
  • 11 December
Categorised as members