Committee members 2024-2025


John Jackson – Plot 227 – Maintenance Officer

Committee members

Christopher Seaman – Plot 99 – Chairperson

Marta Figueiredo – Plot 301 – Vice Chairperson

Steve Tullett – Plot 290 – Hon. Secretary

Dolly Munroe – Plot 125 – Hon. Treasurer

Paul Smith – Plot 340 – Distribution Manager

Carol Johnson – Plot 320 – Lettings Officer & Office Manager

Keith Plummer – Plot 119 – Plot Inspection Officer

Leslie Lespierre – Plot 18B – Plant Sales Manager

Gerhard Bauer – Plot 124

Marianne Biel – Plot 274

Michael Bonnell – Plot 331

Vernon Holness – Plot 259

Desmond Jacobs – Plot 19

Debra Mitchell – Plot 20

Maureen Mitchell – Plot 20

Gary Reid – Plot 241

Denise Wright – Plot 117

General enquiries:

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Society code of conduct

The SHAS code of conduct for plot holders and visitors can now be found here, in the Members section of the website, under Policies and Procedures.

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Xmas Party 2023

The party this year will take place on Saturday 2 December from 2pm until 5pm.

Please bring food and drink to share!

Please note that the party is for members only.

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Winter closure

The office and the shop will close at 12.00 noon on Sunday 3rd December 2023.

They will both reopen at 10.00 am on Saturday 3rd February 2024. Opening hours will then continue to be from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon on Saturdays and Sundays.

Seed potatoes and spring planting onions, garlic and shallots will all be in stock when the shop reopens.

Featured post

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Polytunnel help needed!

If anyone would like to help planting seeds and growing plants in the polytunnel please call into the shop and talk to Paul before December 3rd.

All the seeds pots, trays and composts are supplied by the society and the plants will be sold to raise funds for the society.

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