All plot-holders need to change their keys to the site gates. Garden members will not be given new keys. The arrangements are:
10th August
Locks changed on Dale Park Road (roads 1 & 3), Wicket Gate and Ingram Road (see map, below). During the changeover, these new locks are coloured red. You will need a new key to open these locks.
27th August
Lock changed on main gate, Spa Hill entrance, and at the end of Dale Park Road. During the changeover, these old locks are coloured blue and you will need an old key to open them before 27 August. But you will need a new key to open these locks from 27th August.
How to exchange your key(s)
You can exchange your old key for a new one at any of the following times. You will need your old key and proof of ID.
In the hall, between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon:
Wednesday 10 August
Thursday 11 August
Friday 12 August
Saturday 13 August
Sunday 14 August
Saturday 20 August
Sunday 21 August
Saturday 27 August
Sunday 28 August
Monday 29 August
Tuesday 30 August
Wednesday 31 August
Saturday 3 September
Sunday 4 September
After the above dates you can exchange keys in the office between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon on Saturday or Sunday.